TOP Secret 8 Foods For Women's Health List
1. Apples for ideal body weight
Women are not confident with excess weight. For you who just gave birth. Apples in addition to containing antioxidants to strengthen the body was able to withstand your ideal body weight because the sweetener contained in gradually so as to control your appetite.
2. Grain seeds for recovery after childbirth
Whole grain seeds can help you to restore the state of the body after childbirth, in addition to the symptoms
of PMS can be relieved by consuming seeds before menstruation. Vitamin B6 and folic acid are good nutrients for your heart health.
3. Tomato for facial beauty
Facial problems for women is a very scary thing not infrequently women are willing to spend a lot of money to care for the face. With tomatoes containing vitamins A and C that are able to cleanse your face from acne, besides tomatoes can also overcome the oil on your facial skin. You will benefit tremendously by consuming tomatoes regularly including removing blackheads and making your facial skin more radiant.
4. Walnuts (nuts) to inflate women
The reproductive system is very sensitive. In women, hormonal changes, abnormalities
in the reproductive organs, diseases, and even stress can cause infertility. To improve your fertility, try foods rich in omega-3 fatty acids, such as walnuts. The body uses omega-3 fatty acids to produce a hormone called eikosanoid, which increases blood flow to the uterus, increasing the chances of pregnancy and fetal development. Omega-3 may also reduce the risk of preterm delivery and low birth weight.
5. Milk to care for bones
Milk is a source of calcium that women need in maintaining bones. In addition, milk also contains vitamins, minerals and proteins that can help the optimal process in the absorption of nutrients needed by the bone, so you avoid osteoporosis. Calcium can also help you in maintaining ideal body weight. The presence of fiber content that helps smooth the digestive tract.
6. Spinach to prevent cancer
Cervical cancer and breast cancer are the highest-ranking killers for women. by eating green vegetables that contain antioxidants such as spinach can minimize free radicals that develop in the body. In addition spinach is also an anticancer substance in the spinach of the flavonoid, will slow the division of cancer cells. Spinach is great for strengthening your body also for vision and blood pressure.
7. Chocolate to reduce stress
When the mood changes take place before menstruation, PMS will experience some of the things that interfere with your activities that cause stress. The content of theobromine found in chocolate helps activate and regulate substances pleasure stress chemicals so that they can cope with the symptoms of PMS. Chocolate is also able to reduce weight and prevent diabetes. It turns out chocolate can also improve intelligence and increase your concentration, flavonols contained in dark chocolate makes us smarter.
8. Oranges for pregnant women
The content of compounds found in oranges is very good for pregnant women. The content of vitamin C can help the immune system of pregnant women, folic acid is also needed by infants so help build new cells. The presence of compounds that turn out to keep the blood vessel walls that reduce inflammation during pregnancy.
9. Low Fat Milk
It is important to maintain bone density and strength from an early age, especially in your 20s. Begin to meet the needs of calcium by consuming low-fat milk every day. If you do not really like milk or have lactose intolerance can replace it with vegetable consumption. Some types of green vegetables and fruits such as broccoli, spinach and bananas also contain a lot of calcium.
10. Flaxseed
At the age of 20, women generally experience a lot of stress because of work or college assignments. If left continuously, stress can interfere with health in old age. Therefore, consume flaxseed, the type of grains rich in nutrients and minerals that the body needs. Flaxseed helps increase serotonin levels that lead to feelings of happiness and keep the mood always positive. These grains also contain lignans, substances that reduce the risk of breast cancer in women. Flaxseed can be consumed as a sprinkling on top of a salad or mixed with a fruit smoothie.
11. Nuts
Nuts such as kidney beans, green beans, soybeans or beans are rich in potassium which helps lower blood pressure while maintaining heart health in old age. In addition, nuts also make the stomach feel full longer but low calorie so as not to make obesity.
12. Salmon
The best source of omega 3 fatty acids, salmon have the ability to prevent depression and heart disease in young women. Salmon is also good for \ maintaining skin beauty because its healthy fats moisturize the skin. Consumption of salmon by means of baked, steamed or eaten raw in the form of sashimi or sushi.
5. Milk to care for bones
Milk is a source of calcium that women need in maintaining bones. In addition, milk also contains vitamins, minerals and proteins that can help the optimal process in the absorption of nutrients needed by the bone, so you avoid osteoporosis. Calcium can also help you in maintaining ideal body weight. The presence of fiber content that helps smooth the digestive tract.
6. Spinach to prevent cancer
Cervical cancer and breast cancer are the highest-ranking killers for women. by eating green vegetables that contain antioxidants such as spinach can minimize free radicals that develop in the body. In addition spinach is also an anticancer substance in the spinach of the flavonoid, will slow the division of cancer cells. Spinach is great for strengthening your body also for vision and blood pressure.
7. Chocolate to reduce stress
When the mood changes take place before menstruation, PMS will experience some of the things that interfere with your activities that cause stress. The content of theobromine found in chocolate helps activate and regulate substances pleasure stress chemicals so that they can cope with the symptoms of PMS. Chocolate is also able to reduce weight and prevent diabetes. It turns out chocolate can also improve intelligence and increase your concentration, flavonols contained in dark chocolate makes us smarter.
8. Oranges for pregnant women
The content of compounds found in oranges is very good for pregnant women. The content of vitamin C can help the immune system of pregnant women, folic acid is also needed by infants so help build new cells. The presence of compounds that turn out to keep the blood vessel walls that reduce inflammation during pregnancy.
9. Low Fat Milk
It is important to maintain bone density and strength from an early age, especially in your 20s. Begin to meet the needs of calcium by consuming low-fat milk every day. If you do not really like milk or have lactose intolerance can replace it with vegetable consumption. Some types of green vegetables and fruits such as broccoli, spinach and bananas also contain a lot of calcium.
10. Flaxseed
At the age of 20, women generally experience a lot of stress because of work or college assignments. If left continuously, stress can interfere with health in old age. Therefore, consume flaxseed, the type of grains rich in nutrients and minerals that the body needs. Flaxseed helps increase serotonin levels that lead to feelings of happiness and keep the mood always positive. These grains also contain lignans, substances that reduce the risk of breast cancer in women. Flaxseed can be consumed as a sprinkling on top of a salad or mixed with a fruit smoothie.
11. Nuts
Nuts such as kidney beans, green beans, soybeans or beans are rich in potassium which helps lower blood pressure while maintaining heart health in old age. In addition, nuts also make the stomach feel full longer but low calorie so as not to make obesity.
12. Salmon
The best source of omega 3 fatty acids, salmon have the ability to prevent depression and heart disease in young women. Salmon is also good for \ maintaining skin beauty because its healthy fats moisturize the skin. Consumption of salmon by means of baked, steamed or eaten raw in the form of sashimi or sushi.